Vauen Churchwarden Tobacco Pipe

✚✚✚ Vauen Churchwarden Tobacco Pipe

Each Churchwarden tobacco pipe is made from the highest quality briar & includes both a push bit with both a long (8") and a short (2.5") acrylic mouthpiece. This feature not only allows the choice between the two mouthpieces when smoking, but also permits a change in the overall length of the pipe. The LONG mouthpiece has the normal (fishtail) bit and the SHORT has the lipped (Peterson) bit. Gloss finish.
Quality made in Germany.

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Vauen Churchwarden Tobacco Pipe - Each Churchwarden tobacco pipe is made from the highest quality briar & includes both a push bit with both a long (8") and a short (2.5") acrylic mouthpiece. This feature not only allows the choice between the two mouthpieces when smoking, but also permits a change in the overall length of the pipe. The LONG mouthpiece has the normal (fishtail) bit and the SHORT has the lipped (Peterson) bit. Gloss finish.
Quality made in Germany.

  • Tobacco Pipe
  • Filtered Pipe
  • Two stems included. One long and one short.
  • Made in Germany
  • Includes cmplementary Dr Perl Filters
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