Memphis Shades Trigger-Lock Mount Kit for Fats/Slim Windshields - Black MEB8967

✚✚✚ Memphis Shades Trigger-Lock Mount Kit for Fats/Slim Windshields - Black MEB8967

Gone are the days of fumbling with tools to remove your Memphis Fats, Slims, and Sportshields
The revolutionary No-Tool Trigger-Lock detachable kits are now available on all of these popular windshields
Kits feature a detach system that allows you to quickly and easily remove your windshields without the use of any tools
A pair of latches lock the windshield down until the spring loaded trigger locks are intentionally disengaged, allowing the rider to remove the windshield
Kits are a combination of CNC-machined aluminum plates, stainless steel bolts and aluminum anchors
Kits are custom-fit to each style of bike for a truly no-hassle installation

This item fits the following applications:
2009 Harley Davidson XL883N Iron 883
2004-2009 Harley Davidson XL883C Sportster 883 Custom
2005-2009 Harley Davidson XL883L Sportster 883 Low
2007-2009 Harley Davidson XL1200N Sportster 1200 Nightster
2006-2009 Harley Davidson XL1200L Sportster 1200 Low
1996-2009 Harley Davidson XL1200C Sportster 1200 Custom
2004-2008 Harley Davidson XL1200R Sportster 1200 Roadster
2004-2008 Harley Davidson XL883 Sportster
2003-2007 Harley Davidson XL883R Sportster 883 Roadster
2007 Harley Davidson XL50 50th Anniversary Sportster
2004-2005 Harley Davidson FXDWGI Dyna Wide Glide
1993-2005 Harley Davidson FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide
1999-2005 Harley Davidson FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport
2004-2005 Harley Davidson FXDXI Dyna Super Glide Sport
2004-2005 Harley Davidson FXDLI Dyna Low Rider
1993-2005 Harley Davidson FXDL Dyna Low Rider
2005 Harley Davidson FXDCI Super Glide Custom
2004-2005 Harley Davidson FXDI Dyna Super Glide
1992-2005 Harley Davidson FXDC Super Glide Custom
1995-2005 Harley Davidson FXD Dyna Super Glide
1987-2003 Harley Davidson XLH883HUG Sportster 883 Hugger
1986-2003 Harley Davidson XLH883
1996-2003 Harley Davidson XL1200S Sportster 1200 Sport
2001-2003 Harley Davidso

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Memphis Shades Trigger-Lock Mount Kit for Fats/Slim Windshields - Black MEB8967 - Gone are the days of fumbling with tools to remove your Memphis Fats, Slims, and Sportshields
The revolutionary No-Tool Trigger-Lock detachable kits are now available on all of these popular windshields
Kits feature a detach system that allows you to quickly and easily remove your windshields without the use of any tools
A pair of latches lock the windshield down until the spring loaded trigger locks are intentionally disengaged, allowing the rider to remove the windshield
Kits are a combination of CNC-machined aluminum plates, stainless steel bolts and aluminum anchors
Kits are custom-fit to each style of bike for a truly no-hassle installation

This item fits the following applications:
2009 Harley Davidson XL883N Iron 883
2004-2009 Harley Davidson XL883C Sportster 883 Custom
2005-2009 Harley Davidson XL883L Sportster 883 Low
2007-2009 Harley Davidson XL1200N Sportster 1200 Nightster
2006-2009 Harley Davidson XL1200L Sportster 1200 Low
1996-2009 Harley Davidson XL1200C Sportster 1200 Custom
2004-2008 Harley Davidson XL1200R Sportster 1200 Roadster
2004-2008 Harley Davidson XL883 Sportster
2003-2007 Harley Davidson XL883R Sportster 883 Roadster
2007 Harley Davidson XL50 50th Anniversary Sportster
2004-2005 Harley Davidson FXDWGI Dyna Wide Glide
1993-2005 Harley Davidson FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide
1999-2005 Harley Davidson FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport
2004-2005 Harley Davidson FXDXI Dyna Super Glide Sport
2004-2005 Harley Davidson FXDLI Dyna Low Rider
1993-2005 Harley Davidson FXDL Dyna Low Rider
2005 Harley Davidson FXDCI Super Glide Custom
2004-2005 Harley Davidson FXDI Dyna Super Glide
1992-2005 Harley Davidson FXDC Super Glide Custom
1995-2005 Harley Davidson FXD Dyna Super Glide
1987-2003 Harley Davidson XLH883HUG Sportster 883 Hugger
1986-2003 Harley Davidson XLH883
1996-2003 Harley Davidson XL1200S Sportster 1200 Sport
2001-2003 Harley Davidso

  • Gone are the days of fumbling with tools to remove your Memphis Fats, Slims, and Sportshields
  • The revolutionary No-Tool Trigger-Lock detachable kits are now available on all of these popular windshields
  • Kits feature a detach system that allows you to quickly and easily remove your windshields without the use of any tools
  • A pair of latches lock the windshield down until the spring loaded trigger locks are intentionally disengaged, allowing the rider to remove the windshield
  • Kits are a combination of CNC-machined aluminum plates, stainless steel bolts and aluminum anchors
  • Memphis Shades Trigger-Lock Mount Kit for Fats/Slim Windshields - Black MEB8967?

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